Click below for information about becoming a sponsor.

Why join the PTO?

Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!

Become a Fabra PTO Sponsor!

We welcome and invite any individual or business to partner with the Fabra PTO to help support and enrich the lives of students, staff and families at Fabra. Your support can be directed to a specific program or event. You can help fun one or all of the many activities PTO financially supports:

  • Classroom Grants
  • Campus Improvements
  • Field Trips
  • Read-a-thon
  • All Campus events, including PTO hosted Fall Fest & Bike Rodeo
  • Family programs like New Family Welcome and All Pro Dads
  • Student Awards

Your money helps us to fund the FUN at Fabra!

Together we can do a lot of good. Join us!

Fabra PTO is recognized as 501(c)3, all donations are tax-deductible.

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Campus Shirt Sponsor (max of 4) more
$2,500.00 sold out
 Platinum Sponsor more
 Gold Sponsor more
 Silver Sponsor more
 Bronze Sponsor more
 Silent Auction Donation more
 Falcon Friend Sponsor more
 Give any amount that is meaningful to you! more

Optional - Include now, or email to fabrapto@gmail.com.

Deadline for sponsorships to be on Fall Festival and Campus Banner is 9/30/24.


Please reach out to fabrapto@gmail.com.


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Fabra PTO


Fabra Elementary


Mr. Latiolais